Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mandy Koeppen: 5 for Friday

Five for Friday: Where I've been the book HA...

1. THE MOVE: we bought our dream house! While I was working a Scrapbook Expo for EC Mr.K and family moved us from Hastings to a small town by Lansing. Holy Hell we have alot of stuff it's unreal! We love this house it has everything on our list and added bonuses we never thought we'd have. So with moving came the unpacking which still isn't done since I am going thru all our crap and slowly purging. Our whole family is very happy here. Some of you might be asking how it was for Mav well he did great! He love being home and did just fine. He plays outside lots and is very active compared to before. The girls are having lots of adventures here too since they have a few acres to roam. When we moved we only had a few weeks left at school so they finished the school year out in Hastings and will start a new school in the fall which they are looking forward to(the girls not Mav he doesn't want to go back to school). So for 3 weeks I would drive the 50minutes 4 times a day it sucked but I see what Mr.K did for over 5 years so 3 weeks was nothing. Now that school is done we're all happy just relaxing at home. BONUS: I have a beautiful new scrap room thanks to Mr.K.

2. SICKNESS: the week after I got back home from the Expo was HELL I got so sick and tried to tough it out but it took over my body. I was crying in my sleep, hallucinating, sleeping the days away, and in so much pain.Mr.K ended up saying enough is enough no more toughing it out and took me to the ER I had a severe case of strep throat, double ear infection, and some kind of bug. Thanks to Mr.K and Gma&Gpa for taking care of the kids cause I couldn't. Then Teagan got sick and battle bronchitis, laryngitis and some other itis that turned into pneumonia. The poor kid was on enough meds to knock a horse out. She had to go back 3 different times because it just didn't get better but after a month she is doing ok still has to use the inhaler and the cough is better now. With all this the other 3 in our family got sick here and there too ugh it was bad.

3. CREATING: Yes with everything else I have been creating in my new scrap room. It's so nice to have windows and daylight in a room while you scrap it inspires and makes creating easier. I will share photos of my space after they are up on the AC blog next month. There are a few on instagram if you want to check them out username: MandyKoeppen . I'll be sharing some of my new creations in a post later here on my blog :)

4. UNPACKING & DECORATING: Yes I was in a sea of boxes and still have the garage to go thru but I'm loving the this space and decorating it. Our old house I had a few things out but it wasn't home but now now we're home! I have a mantle that is one of my favorite thing in this house it has lots of vintage goodness displayed. I found a great little shop the next town over that I found and love it has lots of neat vintage stuff and boy have I scored some good finds there. Mr.K painted the house in-between moving trips while I was gone he did an awesome job and even picked a great color for one of the bedrooms. We have lots of color in the house dark red, dark mustard yellow, sage green, robins egg w/ a touch of green, chocolate brown, and my favorite Grey. I could go on and on.

5. ENJOYING FAMILY & ME TIME: we have had some fun adventures as a family and I've had a few of my own too. We went to Gizzard Fest yes you read that right its a big deal here in our little town. It's like a holiday crazy masses of peeps, carnival rides, garage sales, vendors, all sorts of things. Mav isn't much for festivals so he had a Gma&Gpa weekend while the girls got to take in Gizzard fest with me & Mr.K. We have been doing lots of things here at home: swimming, adventures, just plain ol hanging out. This week my mom took all 3 kiddos for a few days which gave Mr.K and I some time for Us time during the evenings and Me some Mandy Time during the days oh the adventures I've had. I love living in this little town with the big city and all sorts of adventures just around the corner(less then 15minutes away).

Thanks for readin all my rambling if you have :) Don't forget the giveaway below is still open. Have a great Friday! ~MK


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